Why the recent news of Neutrinos reportedly Going Faster than Light is Rocking the Scientific World

If you’ve heard the recent news about the speed of light supposedly being broken by neutrinos being detected as having traveled faster than the speed of light or 186,000 miles per second or 300,000 km/s (henceforth we’ll simply call “c”), unless you’re familiar with relativity, you might not understand how Earth shattering this would be if it turned out to be true.

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It goes like this:  According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, NOTHING with mass can travel faster than light, nor even reach the speed of light.  Not even light can go faster than c.  Nothing that could carry information about distant events can go faster than light.  To do so would allow for backwards in time transmission of information, or, would even allow a solid object to travel backwards in time.  The ramifications of this are obvious:



As most of you know, a paradox is an event which is logically impossible, such as going back in time and murdering your younger self.  Of course, if you did that, then how do you explain the existence of the older you that wasn’t murdered to go back in time to do the murder?  If you were murdered earlier, you wouldn’t have been around to go back in time to commit the murder, but if you didn’t murder your younger self, then you’re older you could exist to go back and murder the younger you which prevents the older you from existing, etc… etc…

I won’t go into the explanation here of why faster than light (FTL) travel results in time travel.  I’ll do that in this series of articles here:

Relativity for Everyone: Part I: The Speed of Light NEVER Changes!

If these neutrinos truly did go faster than light, then this presents us with a paradox problem.  Some observers traveling at high speeds relative to CERN and Italy where the transmission and reception of the neutrinos occurred, would see Italy receive the neutrinos before they left CERN!

So much of our understanding of the universe has the fundamentals of relativity (in particular, the limit of c) as their foundation.  Proving something can go faster will turn everything upside down.

But then again, maybe not.  Maybe we’ll discover something fundamentally different about this event that doesn’t really violate relativity.  But, jus the thought of something with mass actually going faster than light sends shivers down the spines of scientists the world over.  I can’t wait to see how this plays out.  In a few months, it will be attempted to be repeated in a different lab in Chicago.

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Relativity for Everyone: Part I: The Speed of Light NEVER Changes!

In this series of articles, I’ll be explaining Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.  I’ll use little to no math.  If I do use math, it’ll be roughly 3rd grade level, not to insult you, but because that’s all that’s really necessary.

Relativity can’t be given “point blank”.  There are steps involved.  Its conclusions are counter intuitive and impossible to believe without being walked through the simple steps of reason to get there.  This first article will be that first step.

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Let’s begin with the end though, so you’ll know what we’re building up to; the impossible to believe conclusions:  (and I give these intentionally with no explanation in this Part I)


• Nothing with mass can go faster than light. (I acknowledge the recent news that claims neutrinos were recently measured at slightly faster than light speed.  This is still uncomfirmed.  More later).
• If you could go faster than light, you could go backwards in time.
• The faster you travel, the slower your local time is compared to the rest of the universe.  (You’ll age slower and your clocks will tick slower).
• The faster you travel, the shorter you and your ship become.
• The faster you travel, the more massive you become.
• If you were to reach the speed of light, you would have infinite mass.
• If you were to reach the speed of light, you would be completely compressed into a 2 dimensional plane.
• It would take infinite energy for you to reach the speed of light.
• It would take infinite time for you to reach the speed of light.
• There’s no “universal time”.  Time is relative to the observer.
• There are no universal coordinates in space.  Space is relative.
• Two travelers going at different speeds disagree on length, time, and order of events because time and space are relativeAnd  BOTH observers’ measurements right even though they disagree!
• Time moves slower in gravity fields.  The stronger the gravity, the slower time moves.

All the statements above are 100% true and if you don’t believe me and you’re not privy to how relativity works, then that proves your mind is working properly and you’re ready to begin.  Your skepticism is well founded.  Here we go!

First, let’s absorb a strange fact that was observed and confirmed well over 100 years ago and confirmed over and over in experiment after experiment, so much so that much of our modern technology relies on it.

The Speed of Light is Constant.

Most people misunderstand what that means until they start learning about relativity.  That does’t just mean that light always exits its source at 186,000 miles per second.  It also means that if someone were flying away from you in a fast space ship and going say, 99% the speed of light and shown a bean of light towards you from the back of their ship, not only would they measure the speed leaving their ship at full light speed, you’d measure it passing YOU at full light speed (which we’ll call “c” from this point forward).  You would NOT measure it at c minus their ship speed like you’d measure the speed of say a bullet leaving their ship at bullet speed minus their ship speed.  Light is different.

Reread that last paragraph.  It’s fundamental.  This weirdness is not derived from complex theories and calculations.  It’s derived from direct observation.  Nobody knows why this is.  It just is.  It’s difficult to accept, but it’s true.  It’s been observed and tested time and time again.  At no point has any light ever been measured at anything other than c from any source, whether it be from galaxies billions of light years away receeding at near light speed or from double star systems where the stars are orbiting closely at high speeds, receeding, then aproaching us in their orbits, nor from anything local, like the sun or our own satelites, nor from anything on Earth.  NOTHING!  Light may be delayed though, when passing through materials like air, glass, or water, but it never goes faster than c.

This is a well known, well established, and well tested phenomenon.  Most, if not all of the weird bullet points listed above are based on this one freaky fact of nature.

Nothing is as it seems.

This is called, “The Constancy of the Speed of Light”.

Before I conclude this Part I, I’ll ask you to wait 24 hours before moving on to Part II.  Let this oddity of the constancy of the speed of light simmer in your mind for a while.  It’s a difficult concept to accept and there’s no known logical reason why c is constant.  We just know that it is… always.  Here’s your homework assignment, which you’re probably already doing:  Come up with logical reasons why this can’t possibly be true.  Why this can’t add up mathematically.  If someone in that fast moving ship shines a beam of light, out the back, to you, and you BOTH measure it as exactly c, what would that mean?  What illogical and crazy things would have to be true for c to always be constant?

These are probably the questions Einstein asked himself that triggered him to come up with the theory of relativity.

This concludes Part I.  Please wait 24 hours before reading Part II.

Relativity for Everyone:  Part II:  Time and Length are Relative

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