Google InBox Invite Winner #5

Alrighty!,  It’s now time for the FIFTH Google Inbox invite give away.  If you want one too, click here and give us an entertaining sob story.

Google InBox Invite

…you’ll have a better chance at winning if you share a link to that page and post YOUR link of your share on the invite form.  To get the link to your post, if you’re on the desktop browser, right-click the timestamp on your post and copy the link, then paste THAT into the web form.  To get the link from your phone or tablet, OPEN your post where you shared mine, open the menu, and choose “Link”, which will copy it to your clipboard.  Then paste it into the web form in your mobile browser.  Our 1st and 2nd winners did that and so has this 4th winner.  And here’s our latest winner’s sob story:



“Curiously I cry for Inbox. Corn Flakes do not taste good with salty tears falling from my eyes. Please don’t make me eat salty Corn Flakes anymore.”

OK.  I won’t make you do it anymore.

Congratulations to Jimmy Richards!  For his sob story.  He has just won an invite to InBox!  I hope you enjoy it!

Jimmy Richards

The competition is NOT over and if you’ve already entered and didn’t win this one, you’re STILL in the running and could win the next one!

See these images?


You’ll find actual working versions of them at the top and bottom of this article. Please click the appropriate buttons in it to let your friends know about this article.

Check back later for updates too!

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