Is Google+ boring to you because it seems like no one’s there?

Well, if that’s the case, then you’re using it wrong.  There’s more activity on Google+ than you can shake a smartphone at!  Remember, G+ is NOT Facebook!  You can follow anyone, even if they don’t follow you back!  You just have to start following some interesting people.  It doesn’t matter if “my friends are all on facebook”!  I’ve met TONS of interesting people on Google+, 99.9% of which I’ve never met in person.

Click here to follow me on Google+.

Follow me on Twitter @CSharpner.

Do this:

  1. Fill out your Google+ profile page, specifically, your profession and interests (but don’t put too much personal information there… remember, this IS publically available to all pedophiles, stalkers, sex offenders, burglars, etc… and THEY use the internet too… probably more than YOU do!)  (Be careful what you publish about yourself or your loved ones online!)
  2. Now, find some interesting people:  In the “Search Google+” bar at the top, search for something you’re interested in.  Then click the “Search Google+ for” item right under your original search term:
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  3. You’ll get PLENTY of results of posts by fellow G+ users that match your search.  If you like what they have to say, click on their name and it’ll take you to their profile.  Look at their posts.  Are they interesting?  The add them to your circles!  Now you’ll see their public posts.  They might follow you back too!  Feel free to comment on their posts if you have something to add or ask.  You’ll get responses!  Now, go!  Go do it!
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Other things you can and should do:

  • Go to  You’ll find the most popular Google+ people and posts.  You’ll find plenty of people to follow there too.
  • Go to PlusCloutand find popular people from G+ there too.
  • Write some posts about things you’re interested in.  Be sure to post them public.
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  • Comment on other posts.  People will interact with you and you’ll likely get some people to start following you!
  • Post your Google+ ID on Facebook and Twitter (the whole URL from your profile page).
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  • Invite friends and family to start using Google+.


Google+ has a cleaner user interface and is more secure that Facebook.  Just be careful when you post.  Don’t post publicly unless it’s something you want everyone to see and don’t care if it’s seen by your employers, friends, parents, kids, future employers, grandkids, great grand kids, and your entire family lineage for generations to come, because it will never go away!  Be careful what you publish about yourself or your loved ones online!

See these images?


You’ll find an actual working versions of them at the top and bottom of this article. Please click the appropriate buttons in it to let your friends know about this article.

Check back later for updates too!

Click here to follow me on Google+.

Follow me on Twitter @CSharpner.

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