CodeStock 2012: What’s New in .Net 4.5?

imageBelow are my raw notes during the “What’s New in .Net 4.5?” session at CodeStock 2012 on Friday, June 15th at 1:50 PM / 70 min.  This session was hosted by Layla Driscoll from Microsoft.  She’s on the Silverlight CLR team.

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And below are my crude, raw notes taken during the session, only minimally cleaned up.

This sample will use:

  • Async & await
  • Asplnet web api
  • Entity framework

Creating a Metro app

  • Multiple tiles
  • Drill down into them for more stuff.
  • Using some sort of MVC type of development.  (Really?  For a DESKTOP app??!?!  I’d heard of this, but that’s the LAST way I want to develop a DESKTOP app… you get the worst of both worlds… no advantages of a native app and no advantages of web deployment and all of the frustrations of both.  Though, it’s cool you CAN do it… I’d just never do it that way.)
    • Looks like it’s a web app, but it’s a Metro app.
    • Controllers are deriving from ApiController
    • Type called Feature.
    • (Note, code snippet below is incomplete.  Remember, I typed this in “class” as fast as I could…)
    public class FeaturesController: ApiController
        private Feature[] features - {{new Feature{Id=1,Name="LINQ"}, new Feature{Id-2,Name="OptionalParam"}};
        public Ienumerable<Feature> Get()
            return features;
        //Feature is her own plain old class with several fields in it.
        public Feaure Get(int id)
            var feature = features.SingleOrDefault(f=>f.Id=id);
            If (feature == null)
                var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
                Response.Content = new StringContent("Feature not found");
                throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
        return feature;

Async keyword can be placed on methods like


private async void blah()
    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()
        httpClient.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 1024*1024;
        var response = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("http://localhost blah blah");
        var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<int>>(response);
        foreach(var I int in list)
            response = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("http://localhost blah blah" + i);
            var f = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeatureDataItem>
  • Use nonvolatile for locking code. (or did she say non-locking?)
  • Win32 API (or whatever it’s called now) looks like managed code… no DLL import crap.
  • New large object heap. Anything 85,000 bytes.
  • Multi-core JIT
  • Prefetcher
  • ReadOnlyDictionary